3 Noviembre, 2020. Primer Seminario Virtual Iberoamericano de Inteligencia Estratégica»Reflexiones actuales sobre los conflictos asimétricos», Escuela Superior de Guerra «General Rafael Reyes Prieto», Colombia
Presentación: Inteligencia y Comunicación Estratégica frente a Amenazas Híbridas [Intelligence and strategic communication to counter hybrid threats]
Cyber/Information as a security domain. Individuals and institutions as the targets of hostile state and non-state actor activities: addressing the security challenge.
Information and influence operations in the cyberspace [Operaciones de información e influencia en el ciberespacio]
Strategic Communication phenomena: Strategic communication as a process; Models of communication; Propaganda, misinformation, disinformation.
Strategic planning of communication, Publics/stakeholders analysis, RACE/ROPE Process, Communication tactics
Countering disinformation with professional and ethical journalism: hands-on hard news reporting and analysis journalism. Role-play as journalist and produce a news story and an interpretative piece using open sources.
Forum on “Cooperation and autonomy: the global role of the EU post-COVID-19”.
Written contribution: Cooperation in post-COVID communication dominance against hostile influence [Cooperación post-COVID en superioridad comunicativa frente a la influencia hostil]
Presentation on Digital communication-enabled active measures/reflexive control and the democratization of the production/dissemination of disinformation and AI-forgeries (deep fakes) [Medidas Activas/Control Reflexivo posibilitados por la Comunicación Digital y la Democratización de la Producción/Difusión de Desinformación y Falsificaciones-IA (Deepfakes)
13 Febrero 2020. Conferenciante LVII Curso de Defensa Nacional – La Desinformación y su impacto en la seguridad nacional. CESEDEN, Madrid. Panel: Enfoque periodístico de la desinformación, influencia de la posverdad y fake news
Workshop Presentation: Understanding and addressing security challenges stemming from hybrid threats [Entender y abordar los desafíos para la seguridad derivados de las amenazas híbridas]
Workshop Presentation: Simulations, exercises, and games in Intelligence Studies for education and beyond [Simulaciones, ejercicios y juegos en los Estudios de Inteligencia para la formación y más allá]
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación
Director of StratComES Conference
Presentation: Intelligence and Covert Action Operations: the role of communication [Inteligencia y operaciones encubiertas: el papel de la comunicación]
27 de Septiembre 2018. Jornada – Innovación basada en la Inteligencia Competitiva. Azaro Fundazioa. Lugar: Polo de Innovación de Lea-Artibai (Markina-Xemein)
Presentación: La inteligencia competitiva en las empresas europeas
Presentation: Intelligence in the Non-English Speaking World: Spain
Simulation Exercise: Dr. Rubén Arcos from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain, conducted a simulation exercise on June 18 with INSS students examining the raw intelligence about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
Presentation: Brand Intelligence as core to your strategy and risk management
11-13 de Abril 2018. NATO/STOSAS Panel Research Task Group SAS-114 on Assessment and Communication of Uncertainty to Support Decision-Making. 7th Meeting. Madrid, Spain.
Paper: Assessment and communication of uncertainty in EU INTCEN: a post-mortem
Panel Chair. Experiential learning in intelligence studies. [Aprendizaje experiencial en los Estudios de Inteligencia].
Paper. A Ready-to-Run Simulation: Dealing with Uncertainty in Intelligence Collection and Analysis (co-authored with William Lahneman).
Paper. Building the Intelligence Studies Community: The Role of International Conferences and Events (co-authored with Mark Phythian and Stephen Marrin).
8 de Febrero 2018. Simulacro de entrevistas de la fase 2 del Instrumento PYME de H2020. Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial- CDTI. Madrid.
SCIP Seminar instructor: Intelligence for Corporate Strategic Communications, PR, and Brand Image.
Description and key-take-aways:
Communication is an important element affecting the performance of companies. Organizations need to strategically manage the relationship with customers/clients and other relevant stakeholders affecting the market and non-market environment. Corporate advertising, PR campaigns, brand image, and other corporate strategic communication spheres of influence need intelligence and foreknowledge for effective planing, execution and evaluation. In this course, participants will learn
How to analyze the communication dimension and the stakeholder environment and publics affecting your organization.
Understand the corporate and brand image formation process and issues affecting it.
Know frameworks and techniques to conduct competitive intelligence-led corporate strategic communications and PR.
Design, implement and evaluate strategic plans for PR and brand image using a diverse set of techniques.
Women in Intelligence, Strategy, and Analytics (WISA). Roundtable, panel, and reception.
22-24 de Mayo 2017. SAS Panel Research Task Group SAS-114 Spring 2017 Meeting on Assessment and Communication of Risk and Uncertainty to Support Decision-Making. CMRE, La Spezia, Italia.
Paper. How the field of communication can contribute to the study of intelligence [Cómo puede el campo de la comunicación contribuir al estudio de la inteligencia].
Panel Chair. Intelligence simulations: theory and practice [Simulaciones en Inteligencia: teoría y práctica].
Paper. Open source intelligence portfolio: challenging and developing intelligence production and communication skills through simulations.
Roundtable: the new intelligence transparency and implications for intelligence education [la nueva transparencia en inteligencia y sus implicaciones para la educación en inteligencia].
21-23 Septiembre 2016. Closing Conference of the project “Setting-up an Air Marshal Training Center – ARMLET”. “Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy, Romania.
Presentación. Using simulations for education and training of professionals and stakeholders in security and intelligence issues [El empleo de simulaciones para la educación y el entrenamiento de profesionales y stakeholders en cuestiones de seguridad e inteligencia].
12 Mayo 2020. EU-HYBNET – Empowering a Pan-European Network to Counter Hybrid Threats. Kick-off Meeting.
Presentation of the core theme Information and Strategic Communication
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación
Director of StratComES Conference
Presentation: Intelligence and Covert Action Operations: the role of communication [Inteligencia y operaciones encubiertas: el papel de la comunicación]
27 de Septiembre 2018. Jornada – Innovación basada en la Inteligencia Competitiva. Azaro Fundazioa. Lugar: Polo de Innovación de Lea-Artibai (Markina-Xemein)
Presentación: La inteligencia competitiva en las empresas europeas
Presentation: Intelligence in the Non-English Speaking World: Spain
Simulation Exercise: Dr. Rubén Arcos from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain, conducted a simulation exercise on June 18 with INSS students examining the raw intelligence about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
Presentation: Brand Intelligence as core to your strategy and risk management
11-13 de Abril 2018. NATO/STOSAS Panel Research Task Group SAS-114 on Assessment and Communication of Uncertainty to Support Decision-Making. 7th Meeting. Madrid, Spain.
Paper: Assessment and communication of uncertainty in EU INTCEN: a post-mortem
Panel Chair. Experiential learning in intelligence studies. [Aprendizaje experiencial en los Estudios de Inteligencia].
Paper. A Ready-to-Run Simulation: Dealing with Uncertainty in Intelligence Collection and Analysis (co-authored with William Lahneman).
Paper. Building the Intelligence Studies Community: The Role of International Conferences and Events (co-authored with Mark Phythian and Stephen Marrin).
8 de Febrero 2018. Simulacro de entrevistas de la fase 2 del Instrumento PYME de H2020. Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial- CDTI. Madrid.
SCIP Seminar instructor: Intelligence for Corporate Strategic Communications, PR, and Brand Image.
Description and key-take-aways:
Communication is an important element affecting the performance of companies. Organizations need to strategically manage the relationship with customers/clients and other relevant stakeholders affecting the market and non-market environment. Corporate advertising, PR campaigns, brand image, and other corporate strategic communication spheres of influence need intelligence and foreknowledge for effective planing, execution and evaluation. In this course, participants will learn
How to analyze the communication dimension and the stakeholder environment and publics affecting your organization.
Understand the corporate and brand image formation process and issues affecting it.
Know frameworks and techniques to conduct competitive intelligence-led corporate strategic communications and PR.
Design, implement and evaluate strategic plans for PR and brand image using a diverse set of techniques.
Women in Intelligence, Strategy, and Analytics (WISA). Roundtable, panel, and reception.
22-24 de Mayo 2017. SAS Panel Research Task Group SAS-114 Spring 2017 Meeting on Assessment and Communication of Risk and Uncertainty to Support Decision-Making. CMRE, La Spezia, Italia.
Paper. How the field of communication can contribute to the study of intelligence [Cómo puede el campo de la comunicación contribuir al estudio de la inteligencia].
Panel Chair. Intelligence simulations: theory and practice [Simulaciones en Inteligencia: teoría y práctica].
Paper. Open source intelligence portfolio: challenging and developing intelligence production and communication skills through simulations.
Roundtable: the new intelligence transparency and implications for intelligence education [la nueva transparencia en inteligencia y sus implicaciones para la educación en inteligencia].
21-23 Septiembre 2016. Closing Conference of the project “Setting-up an Air Marshal Training Center – ARMLET”. “Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy, Romania.
Presentación. Using simulations for education and training of professionals and stakeholders in security and intelligence issues [El empleo de simulaciones para la educación y el entrenamiento de profesionales y stakeholders en cuestiones de seguridad e inteligencia].