The Impact of Intelligence on Decision-Making: The EU and the Arab Spring [El impacto de la inteligencia en la toma de decisiones: la Unión Europea y la Primavera Árabe]
Rubén Arcos and José Miguel Palacios
Intelligence and National Security, 2018
Abstract: This article examines the 2007 EU all-source intelligence assessment ‘Worst Case Scenarios for the Narrower Middle East’ and the lack of policy response to the warning provided. SIT-6577/07 mostly predicted and provided forewarning on some of the events lately known as the Arab Spring, as well as a rise of anti-European terrorism, and an increase of refugees and migrants in the European Union. The article offers a post-mortem analysis of the key judgements and main findings of the most significant intelligence product declassified by the EU and discusses the main question: Why the warning was not effective?
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